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Apple Pie Cheese Cake

Apple Pie Cheese Cake by Igor's Pastry Surabaya

Lapisan Japanese cotton cheese cake yang khas dengan isian apel, crumble base, dan light cream. Apple Pie Cheese Cake by Igor's Pastry Surabaya ini sangat cocok untuk dinikmati bersama orang terkasih atau dijadikan oleh-oleh.
(Layers of Japanese cotton cheese cake with apple filling, crumble base and light cream. Enjoy this Apple Pie Cheese Cake with your loved ones or as a souvenir.)

Apple Pie Cheese Cake dari Igor's Pastry Surabaya tersedia dalam beberapa ukuran:
(Apple Pie Cheese Cake by Igor's Pastry, Surabaya is available in several sizes:)
13 cm: 4 - 6 servings
18 cm: 6 - 8 servings
21 cm: 12 - 16 servings
27 cm: 16 - 20 servings
35 cm: 36 servings

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