In Indonesia, almost everyone knows about ginger. We use a lot of ginger in our daily life. For many years, ginger has been added to various foods and beverages, giving a very unique taste to an already delicious dish, making it even more captivating to our taste buds. But ginger is also a rich source of nutrients for our bodies. What are these benefits?
Relieve indigestion
Eating too much may leave you with an uncomfortable feeling in your stomach. Drinking a glass of warm ginger juice after a meal can help ease the feeling as ginger helps digestion, cleans the colon, enhances the production of digestive fluids, and eases bowel movements.
Treat colds and coughs
Ginger is useful to relieve sore throats, coughs, and common colds. Drink ginger to prevent and treat influenza, especially during the rainy season. Ginger can also be mixed with hot tea to enhance its unique herbal taste.
Relieve stomachache
Ginger is a calming analgesic, so it is suitable for relieving stomachaches and diarrhea. Always keep few pieces of ginger in your house as first aid in case of stomachache.
Treat Rheumatism
This is one special benefit of ginger that is not widely known. Ginger can be used to treat rheumatism. Put a few slices of ginger in your bath water and soak for 3 to 5 minutes.
Prevent toothaches
The anti fungal and anti bacterial nature of ginger can help prevent toothaches. By regularly drinking ginger, you will avoid toothaches.
Lowering cholesterol levels
Ginger is beneficial for lowering cholesterol levels. It also cleans your blood, so heart attacks and blood clots can be prevented.
Relieve nausea
Ginger has proven to be useful in relieving nausea and flatulence. Drink a warm mixture of tea and ginger to reduce nausea.
There are absolutely no ill effects caused by consuming ginger, so be sure to make this fascinating herb a regular addition to your daily foods and beverages.
Jahe, Rempah-rempah Kaya Manfaat
Di Indonesia, hampir semua orang mengenal Jahe. Jahe memang besar peranannya dalam kehidupan kita sehari-hari. Sudah sejak puluhan tahun lampau, jahe selalu digunakan dalam berbagai makanan dan minuman. Selain memberi aroma yang khas, jahe ternyata juga kaya akan manfaat yang menyehatkan tubuh kita. Apa saja manfaat jahe?